The team behind VUEngine Studio – A software engine for writing Virtual Boy games – just released version 0.6.0. This engine has a new sound player and incorporates some tricks that have allowed for some pretty amazing homebrew games on the platform. They also updated the website and wrote a detailed tutorial. There’s tons more info in their free, public Patreon post…but please consider supporting the team if you’d like to see this work continue:
Main (public) post:
It’s my opinion that the quality of modern Virtual Boy homebrew has surpassed much of the original retail library. Games like Elevated Speed, Formula V, Virtual War Zone and even the Capitán Sevilla demo don’t really feel like “homebrew” at all and the VUEngine is a big part of why.
While this video is a few years old, it gives you a pretty good idea of what the hardware and software of the VB homebrew scene is like. Please check it out if you’re interested: