
The World’s Largest CRT TV — The Sony PVM-4300

ShankMods just released a new video covering the mythical 43″ tube TV — the Sony KX-45ED1, more widely known as the Sony PVM-4300. This unit is the largest CRT TV that was ever sold, with previously nothing but two pictures of it online and a couple manuals proving its existence. An incredible amount of information […]

Danthrax (Sega Saturn SHIRO!)

Tomb Raider 2 Recreation Expands Plans Beyond Demo Levels

The latest video showing off progress on a homebrew recreation of a Tomb Raider 2 demo on Saturn comes with plans to expand the scope closer to the final game. In the description of the video uploaded Friday, fan developer RetroRaiderJohn said he’s ditching his original idea to recreate the PC demo of Tomb Raider […]


New Ms. Mad Lemon Album: Subdued Light

MsMadLemon recently released her latest album, Subdued Light. As with her previous albums Step Aside, Paradox and (my personal favorite), Zaman, Subdued Light was created on an Amiga.  If you’d like to hear more about it, check out the video above.  Also, all her albums are free to listen to on her Bandcamp page and there’s […]


Kanto Ora 4 Magnetically Shielded Speakers

The speaker company Kanto has just released a more powerful version of their “Ora” line of magnetically shielded speakers.  The “Ora 4’s” output 140 watt (70w RMS), versus the previous Ora’s 100 watt (50w RMS) and a slightly lower frequency response, with a tradeoff of being about one inch larger on all sides.  The main […]

Ray Commend

Neo Geo CD Conversion Project brings Spin Master, P.O.W., Atomic Runner conversions and more!

Over the last few months, developer IQ_132 converted many classic Neo Geo MVS games over to the often forgotten Neo Geo CD. Thanks to his hard work, many titles that never made the transition from the Neo Geo MVS to the Neo CD now have a second life at home on SNK’s other consumer hardware. […]


Weekly Roundup #440

The Roundup is available as a video and on all audio-only podcast services, such as iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and direct-download: If you enjoy these videos, please consider supporting this channel via monthly support services, tips, or even just by using our affiliate links to purchase things you were already going to buy […]