
Launch PS2 Games from MemCard Pro

Tito from Macho Nacho Productions recently uploaded a video showcasing the new Multi-Purpose Memory Card Emulation (MMCE) feature from BBSan2k that’s compatible with the MemCard Pro’s, as well as the SD2PSX.  This new software allows you to launch games right from either memory card, plus it’ll automatically create a new VMC for each game launched.  […]


Gscart / Gcomp Rackmounts

Greg from LaserBear has just started selling 3U rack mount bumper shells for the gcomp and gscart switches.  These should fit in any standard 19″ rack chassis and if you’re someone who mounts all their gear, this is a big help.  The gcomp one should fit all versions and the gscart mount should fit the latest […]


Arcooda Announces FIVE new 4:3 LCD Displays

The company Arcooda has just announced they’ll soon be selling five new LCD displays that are all 4:3 aspect ratio and designed as direct replacements for dead arcade CRT’s.  The sizes – which are meant to fit the most common arcade cab sizes – are:  20.1″, 26″, 27.5″, 29.3″, and 33″.  Each can properly handle and sharp-scaler […]


11+ Hour Mega Drive Documentary

Brendan aka BastichB 64k has just released the completed “directors cut” of an epic documentary about the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive.  This video is almost twelve hours long and a brief history of how the Genesis came to be, as well as all of its games.  The video has chapter points sorted by year […]


Weekly Roundup #446

The Roundup is available as a video and on all audio-only podcast services, such as iTunes, Google, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music and direct-download: If you enjoy these videos, please consider supporting this channel via monthly support services, tips, or even just by using our affiliate links to purchase things you were already going to buy […]

Inside the Chromatic

The large, cinderblock room was aglow with florescent fixtures, bouncing light off its painted walls. A number was called out over the loud speaker. Then a murmur crept throughout the crowd. Then another number. Another murmur. While the smoke-filled room around me emanated with disapproving grunts, I remained fixed and steadfast. I had just gracefully […]

Alex Mitchell

8BitMods Releases MCP002 Update & Upgrade Discount

Like I mentioned in an article earlier this month, owners of later-revision MemCard Pros are getting an impressive new firmware that backports some—but not all—features from 8BitMod‘s MemCard Pro2. Because this firmware only applies to the second hardware revision of the MemCard Pro, 8BitMods is rolling out a discount program that would give early adopters […]


Blue and Green mClassics Reviewed

Hey y’all, Try from My Life in Gaming here. Yesterday, Bob released his interview with Amine from Marseille, and today I’ve got a full video review of the new mClassic Retro and mClassic Switch HDMI video processors. Alongside the red mClassic that released several years ago (now dubbed mClassic Original), these new ones are colored […]