HDMyCube has just announced their version of Dan’s open source GCPlug, with a PCB designed around Insurrection Industries’ high-quality GC Digital Port Connector. Greg Collins will apparently be donating a 3D Printed design for it as well, making it the perfect DIY GCVideo solution!: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/DD8oq6Rq
While GCVideo solutions are now easier than ever to create, I suggest this for people who enjoy hobby projects and want to attempt some fine-pitch soldering. Most of us would rather just pick up Insurrection’s Carby at only $75, or Eon’s dual-outputting MK-II at $150:
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We are very happy to announce our public release of the open source GCPlug 2.1 PCB with support for the @Insurrection33 metal GC Digital AV Connector.
All details and gerber files can be found here: https://t.co/alFIfT2jbb
For assembly or general questions: [email protected] pic.twitter.com/0spGq3FXgc
— HDMy CUBE (@HDMyCUBE) January 19, 2019